Namik M. Rashydov
Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof.

русская версия

Date and Place of Birth: 14 June 1950, Sheki city, Azerbaijan. Present address: 24/48 Klavdiyevskaya str., Kiev-03164, Ukraine. Present employment: Shevchenko National State University, Kiev, Department of Biophysics and Radiobiology of Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Chair of Plant Physiology and biochemistry of the National Agrarian University, Kiev. Tel.: (380 44) 257-82-44; (380 44) 423-51-16. Fax: (380 44) 258-10-50. E-mail: Languades: Azerbaijan - native, English, Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian - fluent.

Personal History and Education: I have graduated from the Azerbaijan State University in Baku city. I received a speciality in the field of Applied Nuclear Physics in the Department of Physics in 1973. After graduation from the Azerbaijan State University I worked as senior engineer at the Department of Radiation Research of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences from 1973 till 1976. In 1976 I entered the Department of Biophysics and Radiobiology of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev as postgraduate student.

Later on my work and research experiences included:

To defend a thesis

Teaching experience:

The names and addresses of three references:

  1. Academic, Prof., Ph.D., D Sc. Dmitriy M. Grodzinsky - head of Department Biophysics and Radiobiology at the Institute Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, Kiev. Tel.: (380 44) 258-40-36
  2. Prof., Ph.D., D.Sc. Boris A. Levenko - Head of Department Molecular Genetics at the Botanical Garden NAS of Ukraine, Kiev. Tel.: (380 44) 456-43-92
  3. Prof., Ph.D., D. Sc. Nikolay A. Drudzina - Head of Dept. Biophysics and Radiobiology in the F.E.Kavesky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ukraine, Kiev. Tel. (380 44) 257-90-52

Visiting activities: Ankara University and Antalya University - Turkey, 1991; Department Experimental Biophysics of Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany - 1998. Czech Republic - 2004.

Bibliography: I am author of over eighty scientific articles, among which are:

  1. Berlizov A.N., Grodzinsky D.M., Rashydov N.M., Tryshyn V.V., Berezhna V.V. Model of 137Cs root uptake at the initial stage of ontogenesis of some cultivated plants. Scientific papers of the Institute for nuclear research, N1 (14), 2005, p. 83-90.
  2. Kutsokon N., Rashydov N. Berezhna V., Grodzinsky D. Biotesting of radiation pollutions genotoxicity with the plants bioassays. Radiation safety problems in the Caspian region. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2004. P. 51 - 56.
  3. Рашидов Н.М., Сакада В.И., Гродзинский Д.М. Перераспределение метаболитов у клиностатируемых растений фасоли. В сб. тезисов Четвертой Украинской конференции по космическим исследованиям, 19-26 сентября 2004 г., Крым, Понизовка, Киев, Ин-тут космических исследований НАНУ-НКАУ, 2004, с. 203.
  4. Рашидов Н.М., Куцоконь Н.К. Мишенные и немишенные радиобиологические реакции - их пороговость и беспороговость. Радиация и риск. 2005 (в печати)
  5. Kutsokon N.K., Rashydov N.N., Grodzinsky D.M. Distribution of chromosome aberrations number in plant cells after irradiation. Conf. “Paradigms of modern radiation biology” Chornobyl, 2004. P. 45.
  6. Konoplyova A.A., Rashydov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Research of possible mechanisms of morphogenetic processes suppression in tissue culture, donor plants of which were exposed under action of chronic irradiation. - 2005 (in press)
  7. Konoplyova A.A., Rashydov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M., Definition of comparative radiobio-logy effectiveness in tobacco tissue culture after acute irradiation and chronic influence in 10-km zone of Chernobyl NPP on donor plants. Conf. “Paradigms of modern radiation biology” Chornobyl, 2004. P. 29-30.
  8. Konoplyova A.A., Rashydov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M., Comparison of radiosensitiveness of seeds, seedlings and adult tobacco plants (with the subsequent analysis in tissue culture) in experiments on acute irradiation. Conf. “Paradigms of modern radiation biology” Chornobyl, 2004. P. 29.
  9. Коноплева А.А., Рашидов Н.М., Гродзинский Д.М. Исследование возможных механизмов подавления морфогенетических процессов в культуре тканей, донорные растения которой подвергались действию хронического облучения. Збірник наукових праць Інституту ядерних досліджень (Scientific papers of the Institute for nuclear research), 2004, №2(13), с. 122-131.
  10. Kutsokon N.K, Rashydov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Unidentified multiaberrant cells as evidence of irradiation in Allium cepa L. Proceedlings of Sixth International Symposium on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. - 2003. - Prague, Czech Republic. (Electronic version ISBN 0-9748192-0-4, Florida State University, USA, 2003, Paper No 222, P. 1-6.
  11. Берлізов А.Н., Гродзинський Д.М., Рашидов Н.М., Тришин В.В., Бережна В.В. Влияние глубины залегания и толщины загрязненного 137 Cs слоя почвы на коэффициент накопления у растений. Збірник наукових праць Інституту ядерних досліджень, 2003, №3(11), с. 88-94.
  12. Куцоконь Н.К., Рашидов Н.М., Лазаренко Л.М., Безруков В.Ф., Гродзинський Д.М. Кількість аберацій на аберантну клітину як параметр хромосомної нестабільності 2. Порівняльний аналіз впливу факторів різної природи. Цитология и генетика. - 2004. - № 1. - C. 55-62.
  13. Куцоконь Н.К., Безруков В.Ф., Рашидов Н.М., Лазаренко Л.М., Гродзинський Д.М. Кількість аберацій на аберантну клітину як параметр хромосомної нестабільності 1. Характеристика дозових залежностей. Цитология и генетика. - 2003. - № 4. - C. 20 - 25.
  14. Rashydov N.M. Uptake of americium-241 by plants from contaminated Chernobyl exclusive zone test site soils. III congress radiation research (radiobiology and radioecology), Kiev, 21 - 25 May 2003., p.335.
  15. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Formation heterogene dose fields in plant tissue by help capture dose method under action thermal neutron. Physiol. and biochem.cult. plants. Kiev, 1980, V. 12, N 6, p. 609-614.
  16. Rashidov N.M. Microdosemetric bases of the action of thermal neutrons on the enrichment of seed embryos with 10B, 6Li and cadmium.- In book: Levels of organization of processes in plants [in Russian].- Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1981, 119-122 p.
  17. Rashidov N.M. Variation of formation microdose fields and its relay on radiobiological effects damage.- In book: Levels of organization of processes in plants- Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1981, p.122- 125.
  18. Grodzinsky D.M., Aliev J.A., Kutlahmedov Yu.A., Rashidov N.M., Afanaseva E.L. Radiobiological effects depending on local microdose fields of thermal neutrons in plants. In book of 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, 1983, E6-8.
  19. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M., Kutlahmedov Yu.A. Common and specific phenomenon capture doses of thermal neutrons in plants. In book of 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, 1983, E6-10.
  20. Rashidov N.M., Adygezalov V.F., Husseinzadeh F.R., Aliev L.A. Influence of ferrocene derivatives on Cicer arietinum L. seedlings, obtained from g-irradiated seeds. Physiol. and Biochem. Cult. Plant.-1990, V 22, N 6, p. 553-558. 14
  21. Rashidov N.M. Relationship between radiosensitivity and productivity of different varieties of Pisum sativum. Journal of Food Physics.- Vol. LVI, Budapest, Hungary, 1992, p. 143.
  22. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Radiation resistance of pea varieties differing in productivity. Physiol. and biochem. cult. plants.-1991, V 23, N 6, p. 575- 581.
  23. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Relative Biological Effectiveness of thermal neutrons in induction somatic mutation of soybean Glycine max L. Preprint 92- 34 of Institute Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Institute Cybernetic NAS Ukraine, Kiev 1992, 1-15 p.
  24. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Influence thermal neutrons on barley seeds enriched by isotopes with high effectiveness cross section capture thermal neutron. Preprint 92- 35 of Institute Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Institute Cybernetic NAS Ukraine, Kiev 1992, 1-12 p.
  25. Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M., Alekperov U.K. Frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations of barley during the formation of trapped doses under the influence of thermal neutrons.-Cytology and genetics, 1992, V 26, N 3, Kiev, p.25-32. (Translated in English by Allerton press Inc., 150 Fifth Avenue, New York. 10011, USA)
  26. Rashydov N.M. Study radiosensitivity of seeds Oenothera biennis L. formed in condition under chronical irradiation. Papers of the 11International conference "Study of plants ontogeny of natural and cultural flora in botanical institution and dendroparks of Eurasia"- Bila-Cerkva, pp 237-241, 1999.
  27. Малиновский Ю.Ю., Рашидов Н.М. Миграция радионуклидов из “горячих” частиц в корнеобитаемый слой почвы и их поступление в культурные растения.// Физиология и биохимия культ. растений, 2002. Т. 34, № 2. С. 132-137.
  28. Н.К.Куцоконь, Д.М.Гродзинський, Н.М.Рашидов, Тришин В.В. Оцінка генетоксичності Аm-241 в тест-системі клітин кореневої меристеми проростків Allium cepa L.// Збірник наукових праць Інституту ядерних досліджень, 2002, №1(7), с. 139-146.
  29. Kutsokon N.K., Rashidov N.M., Grodzinsky D.M. Cytogenetic effects of 241Am in Allium-test / Int. Conference “Genetic Consequences of Emergency Radiation Situations”, Moscow, June 10-13, 2002. - P.181-182.